Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What Does Community Mean to You?

As the school year winds down, we start to have visions of beaches, pools, lounge chairs--lesson plans, classroom management techniques, and bulletin board decorations. After all, let's face it, we're teachers.  We may be sitting on the beach but chances are, we are thinking about next year all ready.  And the bell hasn't even rang for the final time this year yet.
It's been about a year since I took the position of Reading Specialist at NeSmith Elementary in Community ISD.  When I stop and reflect on where I was one year ago, I am reminded of how thankful and grateful I was--I am--to have the opportunity to come to work here each day, with this amazing faculty and these wonderful children.  There were a lot of factors that influenced my decision to make a professional change, but the bottom line is, I wasn't happy at the school I was at before.  The climate was terrible. We did our best to encourage each other and have fun--but there was a cloud of doom and gloom hanging over us.
Here, it isn't like that. Sure, there are Debbie Downers everywhere you go. People have bad days.  We get tired and sick.  But the vast majority of us come to work every day with a smile on our face. It isn't a stretch to plaster one on to greet someone in the hallway. You say "Hi!" to your co-workers with enthusiasm because you are genuinely happy to see them. We work together, we problem solve, we step in and help when we see someone else that needs it.  We don't knit-pick each other or try to bring each other down.  Admin believes in us, trusts us, encourages us to use our strengths. It's an amazing feeling to know that every time I work hard on a project, not only are people going to notice and appreciate it, they are going to tell me that I am awesome. I need to hear that I am awesome frequently or else I lose some of my awesomeness!  I get to hear that here, and I like it. It makes me tell other people how awesome they are!
Like every campus, we can continue to work on our school climate, every campus can.  On days like today, however, I am reminded of how lucky I am to get to come to a job everyday where I am valued.  I get to work with little minds that are open and receptive. I get to work with teachers who are eager to learn and grow.  It's a privilege I am very thankful for.
We have done some amazing things this year. Next year is going to be even better.  Sadly, we have some staff members moving on to other things but we also have some amazing educators joining us, including an incredible teacher I taught with for many years. I can't wait to hear all of her brilliant ideas. She will also be thankful to be here and that is contagious.
There is a reason we are called Community ISD. Community isn't a place, it's a vision, an idea, a feeling.  We are Community because we all come together, we lift each other up, we support each other, we are a team.  You can't find Community, Texas on a map because it exists in the hearts of those who belong here.  We are Community.  I hope that you are blessed to have a community as well.

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